Supermarket specials coupons can provide a different sort of reading matter for remedial groups- who may find some of their regular reading fare tedious at times. You can try the following coupons games to generate some interest.
Clip advertising coupons from newspapers and save the cents off. Make a master list of the names of all products for which you have coupons. Deal each player a collection of coupons (around 20). The students arrange their hands so that all coupons are visible at a glance. The game begins. Call out the name of the product from your list. All students who have that name in their collection will turn in the coupons for that product. Allow time for the players tro check their couponns carefully and encourage them to ask for help if necessary. If a wrong coupon is handed in it si returned along with an extra coupon from your reserves as penalty. The player who gets rid of all coupons firs is the winner. (Source: The reading idea book)
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